Inside-Out Strong
Empowering Teen girls and Equipping the women who lead them by strengthening hearts, minds and bodies.
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Featured Course
Do you want to inspire and cultivate confidence in your teen girl?
Is she searching for strong mentors in her life outside of you?
Are you Searching for community to support your teen girl?
Are you looking for a game plan that can help her and you win at life?
We offer Programs for:
Teen Girls (11+)
Our experience is a 10 week adventure that strengthens the BODY, HEART and MIND. It includes
- WORK-IN : 10 lessons and effective exercises that strengthen the inside, heart and mind. (80+ page downloadable workbook)
- WORKOUT: 10 bodyweight circuits that strengthen the outside with video guides
- MENTOR ADVICE: former and current olympic and college athlete and captains share their stories through 30+ video testimonials to strengthen and motivate us.
- ACCOUNTABILITY: together you will navigate through the Inside-Out Strong guide and ask each other meaningful questions. We also encourage doing this journey with a group of other Moms + girls to serve as a strong community.
= A confident young woman with self-worth